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FluxBooks: From the Sixties to the Future is an exhibition realised thanks to the collaboration between Fondazione Bonotto (Vicenza) and Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (Venice) for which CamuffoLab has created the coordinated image and the exhibition design.
Each BLM assignee, using their own specific language and in line with their own poetics, has created their own work that “regenerates”, both on an aesthetic and conceptual level, the poetics expressed by some of the most important Fluxus artists. The exhibitions, held in two separate venues in the city of Venice, have been connected with video and web links to restore unity to the different sections and underline the poetic continuity of the Fluxus movement, which has never been extinguished and is destined to “flow” over time.
Client: Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa / Fondazione Bonotto
Curated by: Stefano Coletto / Patrizio Peterlini
Team: Enrico Zampieri